Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Demo Begins...

We have officially demoed the living room. What better time than the first week of December to rip down ceilings and walls and cover *everything* with a fine film of dust ??!!

The nine new windows are arriving this weekend (finally) and should be installed next week. After two late nights of very nasty demo we are ready for them!

During the demolition we did not find any money or jewelery or newspaper clippings, but we did discover...

  1. two huge squirrel nests - no creatures within but about a field's worth of grass/hay

  2. lots of mice poop and one dessicated mouse

  3. a huge metal I beam spanning the removed wall - think railroad trestle woo woo!

  4. a horse hair plaster ceiling sandwich - horse hair plaster, strapping, and two layers of wallboard - yum!

  5. two true friends that we can never hope to pay back...

  6. clues as to the original layout - where the walls and doors were...

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